Our Message
Santa Power
Our song “Tomtekraftvisan” carries an important message: Take care of nature, the climate, and the animals. Be kind to others and learn from each other. “I believe in myself, I swear, I am good as I am…”
It all begins with belief in one very special person, says Santa to the children — belief and love for oneself. You are good just as you are. You are valuable and loved for who you are. Santa Power is a magical force that activates when you remind yourself of these essential truths. With Santa Power bubbling within, amazing and magical things can happen.
Nature, Animals, Man
At Tomteland, we emphasize the importance of caring for one another, as well as for animals and nature. Many of the fairy tale characters who live here, like the elf Thinduril, and Yala the huldra, are dedicated protectors of the natural world. Naturia, for example, knows everything about plants and communicates through nature’s secret sign language.
Santa often reminds us that it’s crucial for all of us to take responsibility for the environment and the animals, as they cannot speak for themselves or say no if they are mistreated. He also emphasizes the importance of showing love and respect to one another and learning from each other. Our differences are what make us special, says Santa. We all belong together—people, animals, and nature—all sharing a common home: Mother Earth.
When we all experience comfort, security, and love, Mother Earth thrives, and the magical forces of GOOD grow ever stronger.
Together we are strong!
Together, it’s easier to do good things for the world. The Collett family, who own Tomteland, have for many years given their support to organizations that work to make our world better. We can all be involved and contribute and get involved in different ways. We want to recommend organizations that gather people’s commitment and work for a better world.
Our environmental care
At Tomteland, we try to make sustainable choices and efforts so that our business has as little impact on the environment as possible. Here are some examples.
In the summer of 2020, Tomteland reduced its food waste by 75%
Hooray this summer we have reduced our food waste by 75% !!!! in Verkstan’s lunch restaurant thanks to the fact that we hand out the main course and then only have the accessories – different kinds of potatoes, salads, sauces and stir-fries on the buffet.
The taste of Dalarna
We work with several of Mora’s and Siljansbygden’s producers of food and drink. Siljans Chark, Mora brewery, Rättviks Ice Cream and more. By choosing local ingredients from ex. At Siljans Chark, we cherish our local farms that show extra great care for their animals. The transports of our raw materials are short and Siljans Charks Farm pigs from farms around Siljan receive locally produced food
We can all be involved and contribute and get involved in different ways. We want to recommend organizations that gather people’s commitment and work for a better world.