Dragon hunters

The biggest threat to dragons today are so-called dragon hunters. They have an incredible hunting instinct and can sense the weathering of a dragon thousands of miles away. They kill dragons just to get their hands on the magical power found in dragons’ teeth, claws and hearts. They are fueled by selling these parts expensively to evil goblins, witches and wizards who in turn use dragon claws and teeth in their magical weapons… If the accident were to happen so that the magical protective shield over Santa Land breaks, different types of dragon hunters with different appearances will immediately appear. Significant for all of them is that they sneak around the fairytale land and spy and look for the dragons, they also sing their dragon hunter songs and then they fight with the so-called fire sword to access the dragons. The dragon hunters can only be fought with the good dragon sword that the dragon elf has and/or the magical weapons that the Huldran and Elven have.