Shadow vittran

The Shadow Wittran is a malevolent poison creature that has lain dormant in the underworld for thousands of years. A few decades ago, she was awakened by poisons seeping down through the earth to her. She opened her eyes and began crawling up through the earth with one goal in mind - to destroy mother earth.

The shadow otters feed on air pollution, toxins and garbage. She becomes stronger from the imbalance in forest and land that forms when toxins acidify land and water. She loves destroyed ecosystems. With her long fingers, she sucks up air pollution in the air and in the ground. She stores the toxins in her body and then constantly looks for new healthy grounds where she can release her toxins, litter and destroy. She has long been attracted by the fairyland of Tomteland's fresh primeval forests and in 2019 she made her entrance into the fairyland together with her entourage of Grymvättarna.